“On March 27, 2015, in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York, Rex Gene Maralit (‘Maralit’), was convicted of violating Section 38 of the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2778 (2012)) (‘AECA’). Specifically, Maralit knowingly and willfully exported from the United States to the Philippines one or more defense articles, designated on the United States Munitions List, to wit: Various firearms and firearms accessories and components, without first obtaining the required license or written approval from the State Department. Maralit was sentenced to 36 months of imprisonment, three years of supervised release, and fined a $100 assessment.” [Previously published in Visual Compliance Regulations Update 10-08-2015]

80 FR 61358-59 Published 10-13-2015