Regulatory compliance is an ever-moving target for businesses, as export license and permit requirements evolve over time. With an increasingly complex global trade landscape driven by current geopolitics, regulations are becoming more stringent, demanding greater efficiency, accuracy, and adherence to compliance standards in how organizations operate.  

A review of the series of export controls and enforcement actions announced by the Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) in 2024 reveals the careful management businesses must apply to their export compliance processes. Goods and services that were previously not under scrutiny may now require an export license, and the criteria for determining restricted items can change overnight.  

Traditional methods of managing export licenses and permits—often time-consuming, error-prone, and resource-intensive—fall short of meeting due diligence expectations and instead expose businesses to significant financial and regulatory risks. This is where compliance technology steps in, offering transformative tools that optimize the acquisition process, reduce risks, and enhance overall export compliance.   

This article focuses on how leveraging technology can simplify and accelerate the process of obtaining export licenses and permits. We will provide guidance on how export compliance software can help in determining whether you need an export license, identifying the necessary licenses or permits, and ultimately how to obtain them confidently and efficiently.  

Key Takeaways

  • Navigating export license management is a complex yet critical task for any organization involved in global trade.  
  • Export licenses and permits are key to trade compliance, but the process can be challenging, given the intricacy and volume of trade regulations.  
  • Businesses can benefit significantly by integrating automated export compliance solutions into their export management policies and procedures.  
  • Descartes export licenses and permit acquisition solutions improve the way organizations approach export compliance, saving them time and resources.   

How To Get an Export License and Permit: Key Steps 

“Do I need an export license to make this transaction?”   

The question itself can induce anxiety, yet its importance cannot be overstated when discussing trade compliance. While 95% of U.S. exports do not require a license or permit, all U.S. items are, however, subject to export control laws and regulations. Any oversights in adhering to export regulations–however unintentional–can lead to severe consequences, including financially crippling fines, legal repercussions, and even criminal prosecution.   

Entities engaging in cross-border transactions must find out if their products need a license and follow through on gaining any necessary licensing or permits before completing any business transactions. The following factors determine the necessity of an export license or permit:  

  1. Whether it is permissible to sell the product or technology to an international buyer  
  1. Whether the goods are allowed to be sent to the destination country  
  1. Whether the buyer(s) is not restricted from receiving the goods  
  1. Whether the intended use of the product or technology are permitted by the regulatory body.  

Here are a few basic steps to get an export license or permit:  

Determine if You Need an Export License or Permit  

The first step in the process is understanding your product and cross-checking its specifications against export control regulations to see if it falls under a category that requires an export license. For U.S. exports, this starts with checking the Commerce Control List (CCL) under the BIS’ Export Administration Regulations (EAR) to see if the item (commodity, technology, software, or service) has an Export Control Classification Number (ECCN).  

Even if your item is not listed on the CCL, depending on the destination, the buyer, end-user and the end-use it may still require an export license. As such, performing careful due diligence and screening all aspects of the transaction for sanctioned or embargoed locations and denied or restricted parties is a crucial step in preventing export violations.    

Apart from items subject to the EAR, the CCL also includes a list of export restrictions from other U.S. government agencies which require an export license in certain scenarios. These include:  

  • The Department of State controls the sale of defense items and defense services under the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). Organizations trading with products in this category should also consult the U.S. Munitions List (USML).  
  • The U.S. Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) imposes and enforces financial sanctions and trade restrictions on countries, individuals, and businesses. An export license is required for any transaction to entities listed on its denied parties list.  
  • Specialized nuclear materials or food products may also need export licenses from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  

Similarly for the EU, one of the main regulatory bodies that provides export controls is the European Commission Directorate-General for Trade (DG Trade). Licensing is handled by national authorities, such as the Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle – BAFA) in Germany.

Submit Your Export License or Permit Application  

Once you have determined the agency who has jurisdiction over the item you want to export, prepare and file for the appropriate export license through the agency’s official portal.  Documentation for a license application typically includes product specifications, item descriptions, and end-use statements.   

Adhere to the Export Authorization Terms  

Once your export license application is approved, carefully review the terms and guidance associated with it. The export license or permit authorizes a specific export transaction, and it is important to adhere to it. Additionally, it is recommended to have license management process to stay on top of its usage including expirations, approved quantities/values, documentation of use, deduction by quantity/value, etc.  

The process described may seem straightforward, however, the path to obtaining an export license and permit is fraught with several underlying challenges which we will explore below.  

Challenges and Risks in The Export License and Permit Acquisition Process  

Export license and permit acquisition is a highly intricate and risk-prone process that requires impeccable organization, detailed recordkeeping, and a deep understanding of trade and export regulations. 

These are a few of the specific challenges that can complicate the license application process and impact export compliance and operational efficiency:  

  • Determining the Right Product Classification – Export control compliance relies on properly classifying products according to regulations (e.g. ECCN), but many businesses struggle with accurately identifying whether their goods fall under restricted categories. Misclassification of goods can result in a chain of consequences such as delays, denials, and legal penalties.  
  • Ineffective Denied Party Screening – Ensuring that international buyers, partners, or suppliers are not on denied party or sanctioned lists adds an additional layer of complexity to compliance management. Failure to properly screen third parties leads to potential export violations. 
  • Intricate and Evolving Trade Regulations – Geopolitical conflicts and sanctions introduce unpredictability into export compliance, as certain regions or entities can become restricted overnight. These frequent changes make it difficult for businesses to stay updated on the latest compliance requirements, often leading to confusion and misinterpretation of regulations.  
  • Complexity of Complying with Deemed Export – Determining if a license is needed for deemed exports can be difficult, as it depends on the foreign national’s country of origin, the nature of the technology, and its potential military or strategic use, requiring meticulous compliance management.  
  • Inability to Maintain Complete Records – Companies need to have the tools to collect and store detailed records of the entire export license application process including application forms, supporting documents, product information as well as internal records of screening activities, product classification decisions etc. However, ensuring the accuracy and completeness of these documents can be time-consuming and resource intensive.  
  • Insufficient Automation – Export license applications that rely on manual processes can be costly, increase the risk of human error, and slow down the application process. Without sufficient automation, businesses may struggle to meet compliance deadlines or handle multiple applications efficiently. These processes often require significant administrative work and oversight.  

Export license management can be especially complex and high stakes for organizations dealing with controlled exports. How can automation help de-stress the process?  

Benefits of Automating Export Licensing  

Export compliance software solutions can address the challenges in the export license application process by automating several critical aspects thereby increasing compliance and efficiency throughout the process. Here are few ways businesses can benefit from leveraging technology:   

  • Streamline Export License Process – Automated workflows speed up the preparation and submission of export license applications, ensuring accuracy and minimizing delays.  
  • Fast and Easy Product Classification – Technology simplifies product classification by systematically cross-referencing products with export control commodity lists, ensuring accurate codes are applied based on a product’s specifications and characteristics. Automating the determination, assignment, and validation of export control classifications, reduces human error, accelerates the process, and eliminates manual effort. 
  • Advanced Screening Capabilities – Integrated denied party screening solutions streamline the management of constantly changing and overlapping restricted party lists, reducing false positives, and ensuring compliance with complex global regulations. These solutions handle high transaction volumes and enable real-time screening, removing delays and inefficiencies.  
  • Prevent Deemed Export Violations – Integrated export compliance software solutions help track internal data access, providing controls over who can view and share sensitive information, ensuring proper screening of foreign nationals to avoid unintentional deemed exports.  
  • Centralized and Secure Recordkeeping – Advanced export license management software provides comprehensive audit trails, securely storing all documentation related to the export license application process. This ensures that businesses meet record-keeping requirements and can easily retrieve historical data when needed.  
  • Improved Collaboration – Export license applications often require input from multiple departments, including legal, compliance, logistics, and sales. Software solutions ensure smooth coordination and timely information sharing across these teams.  
  • Consistent Regulatory Compliance – Ensure alignment with ever-changing regulations through real-time updates and automated compliance checks.

Boost Compliance and Efficiency with Descartes Export License Acquisition Solutions  

Descartes offers a comprehensive solution for export licenses & permit acquisition. Our end-to-end solution streamlines the process by providing:  

  • A user-friendly web-based solution for easy access across your organization   
  • Multiple Integration Opportunities with your existing business systems including Oracle, SAP, and other ERP, CRM, and supply chain management platforms  
  • Automated Monitoring and Alert System for tracking the progress of license and permit applications, keeping your entire compliance team informed  
  • Enterprise-level security standards (LDAP, SAML, Single Sign-On) for secure access.  
  • Advanced Reporting Capabilities for internal and external audits and demonstrating compliance.  
  • A single platform for acquiring licenses directly from regulators including the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Commerce. Users can complete and submit forms electronically to DTrade without leaving the Descartes export compliance system.  

Descartes Visual Compliance and Descartes OCR solutions are modular and flexible, catering to the needs of all businesses sizes, from startups to multinational corporations. If you would like to take a closer look at our export compliance technology or need to optimize your export license acquisition process, simply contact us or request a demo.